Secondary Science Curriculum Standards, Sustainability, and National Development in the Saudi Arabian Context
Adolescents, Fourth industrial revolution, National development, Saudi Vision 2030, Science education standards, Sustainability.Abstract
An exploratory, descriptive research design entailed a content analysis that explored Saudi Arabia’s new science standards to judge their potential to prepare adolescents to become mature adults who can contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s national development plan (Vision 2030). Findings and their interpretation may help improve future science education standard development according to the requirements of the modern era, the fourth industrial revolution, and a knowledge-based economy. We concluded that Saudi Arabia’s secondary science standards served “moderately well” in ensuring future adults’ contributions to a thriving economy and an ambitious nation. The standards especially reflected the development of learners’ balanced personality, self-confidence, independence, leadership, and cognitive/intellectual/reasoning abilities. The science standards implied respect for human capital, decision-making, and innovation. Future revisions of these standards, with sustainability in mind, should ensure that secondary science education concerns (a) decision-making for nation-building; (b) the importance of human capital in national development; and (c) the preparation of citizens to take initiative and innovate so Saudi Arabia can successfully transition to the fourth industrial revolution as a knowledge-based economy grounded in principles of sustainability.